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A Game Jam Project

Cultural Dance Game (CDG)

Release Date: August 18th, 2023

Project Length: 4.5 days

Team size: 5

Platform: Quest 2

Role/ responsibilities: Project Director, Gameplay Implementation

Engine/tools: Synth Riders Beatmap Editor 

Cultural Dance Game (CDG) is a VR rhythm-based dance experience (think ‘Beat Saber’) with a cultural twist. This was a game jam project and was completed over the course of 4.5 days, followed by a demo day.


The goals of this project were to make it accessible to developers from non-technical backgrounds while also attempting to adhere to the mobility guidelines included in the project pitch.

Summary of Contributions

Project Management: Organized daily team scrum meetings during which work priorities were established and check-ins made to reprioritize project needs. Utilized Trello as a method of organizing tasks and Jira as a primary mode of team communication.


Game Design: Concepted the initial game pitch for this project and led the overall project directory. Created a pitch document outlining project ideas and accessibility goals. Found music for both levels and created the gameplay tracks for the Flamenco level.


Playtesting: Led the playtesting efforts by gathering feedback from studio members. Based on feedback, adjusted the frequency and height of tracks during gameplay.

Pitch Slide Deck



Final Game Components

Concept Art
Game Design Document


Traditional Chinese Ribbon Dance

User playtesting flamenco


Accessibility Post-Mortem

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